Tunneling Autodesk network license server over an ssh tunnel

We have a physically seperate network for our Autodesk Wire and WireTap traffic, as suggested by Autodesk. Since this network is physically seperate , it is very hard to access to. Our license server is also in this network, it can be accessed by Autodesk workstations, but nothing else. These days, I wanted to access to this license server from other networks. Ofcourse there might be some other solutions. But I preferred to setup an ssh tunnel.

Here is what I have done: I simply used 3 computers to make my test.
1. license server @house-network
2. wiretapgateway @adsk-network & @house-network
3. Autodesk workstation @adsk-network

So, there is no routing between adsk-network and house network. But I have a wiretapgateway machine, which has 2 physical interfaces and connects to both networks. This machine runs MacOSX Lion 10.7.

To do this test, I moved the license server to house network. And modified the license files like this:

 VENDOR discreet_l port=33333

This forces lmgrd to run at 12344 and discreet_l to run on 33333. I also needed to setup the workstation:

 SERVER localhost 00000001 12344

This tells the workstation to look for local port 12344, and ask for a license. Then discreet_l gives back an answer from port 33333. So we need 2 tunnels for 12344 and 33333. So now I go to my ADSK workstation, and create a tunnel to licserv over wiretapgateway.

ssh -L 12344: -L 33333: -fNC root@

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